Learn about the important quality improvements planned for Scudders Pond and the Scudders Pond Watershed at a public meeting on Wednesday, May 26, at 7 P.M. at North Shore Country Club.
The Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee has secured multiple grants to upgrade storm drains and make other improvements in and around Scudders Pond and to prepare a restoration plan. At the meeting, Cashin Associates, the consultant on the project, will present the plan and take public comments.
The Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee is an inter-municipal organization made up of the nine municipalities surrounding Hempstead Harbor. The Glenwood / Glen Head Civic Association and the United Civic Council of Glen Head and Glenwood Landing serve as technical advisors.
The project is funded by the New York State Environmental Protection Fund administered by the New York State Department of State and by the Nassau County Environmental Bond Act, with the Village of Sea Cliff administering the funding.
The meeting is hosted by North Shore Country Club, 500 Shore Road, Sea Cliff.